EASDA Introduction
The Alicante School of Art and College of Design (Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Alicante, EASD.A) is a public institution dependent on the Generalitat Valenciana (the Regional Government), and it offers qualified instruction in the different areas of design, creation and the applied arts.
The EASD.A is located in the city of Alicante (Spain). It began in our city more than one hundred years ago, known as a center of artisans and managed by the City Council. In 1949, the School of Arts Association was set up. It was in 1986 when the Law of Education establishes the requirements for Schools of Arts.
The educational offering at our Center has since 2001 been organized on two levels: higher education of design and vocational training (according to the publication of legislation on Higher Design Studies in 1999). Since the 2010/11 academic year the EASD.A adapts the Higher Studies to the European Higher Education Area proposed by the Bologna declaration and gives the new Degrees of Design.
The goal of the Bachelor’s degree in Design that are offered in our School, is to provide comprehensive training of professionals in three different areas of design (Product Design, Graphic Design, Interior Design and Fashion Design). We aim to train professionals who develop creative, technological and research capabilities, applied to industrial and aesthetic innovation, and who are able to contribute to solve the problems of design, and of improving the quality of production in all these areas. Contents are organized in four academic years (240 ECTS credits), including Final Course Project (FCP) and practicum, which leads to the obtention of the degree in Design, or “Titulado Superior en Diseño”.
The goal of the Bachelor’s degree in Design that are offered in our School, is to provide comprehensive training of professionals in different areas of design
The Higher Training Cycles are courses that have a duration of two years and a period of internship in companies, plus a Final Cycle Project (FCP). These courses are designed to train professionals in the different fields or areas of the plastic arts and design: Interior Design (projects of decoration, ephemeral architecture), Graphic Design (advertising graph, illustration), Ceramic Art, and Industrial Design (models Design).
The EASD.A is a center belonging to the Instituto Superior de Enseñanzas Artísticas de la Comunidad Valenciana (ISEACV). The ISEACV aims to be a referent on Higher Artistic Education for the artistic qualities of theirs students and teachers. The objectives that guide this purpose are: to provide a quality education in Higher Educacion; promote mobility of students and faculty with other Universities of Arts and Design Education; promoting research, knowledge generation and its transference to business and society, and improve the qualifications of teachers. Thus the ISEACV will contribute to the development of culture and will contribute to achieve greater recognition and social prestige of the artistic education.

The City of Alicante
Alicante is a pleasant and nice city located on the Costa Blanca, with more than 3.000 years of history. It has 15 kilometers of Mediterranean coastline including beautiful beaches, like the San Juan beach and Benidorm famous beaches. Tabarca is a picturesque island located near the city of Alicante. The island’s waters have been officially declared a Mediterranean Marine Reserve for their excellent quality and for the biodiversity of their flora and fauna. Alicante has warm winters and hot summer, with an average year round temperature of 18° C.
In 1993 the city was selected as the headquarters of the European Office of Harmonisation for the Internal Market (OHIM), the EU’s largest independent agency. It is surrounded by some other industrial cities within a 30 km radius region. These small cities are specialized in industrial sectors such as toy manufacturing, shoe manufacturing and textile industry. Therefore, our students can further their studies in the Technological Institutes of the region.
The local gastronomy is undoubtedly one of Alicante’s most renowned tourist attractions. Alicante’s cuisine is typically Mediterranean and it has an enormous richness and variety. Rice, the basic ingredient of all of the region’s cuisine, plays a leading role in a huge variety of recipes, of which the internationally famous paella is just one of its many varieties, although many other ingredients are also used in the preparation of traditional recipes.
The Hogueras de San Juan Festival is the city’s most important celebration, officially declared as one of International Tourist Interest. Its origin lies in the tradition of burning useless objects with the arrival of the summer solstice. Throughout the city, over 200 large satirical papier mâché statues are set up. These will go up in smoke on the 24th June during the spectacular «Night of Burning» or «Noche de la Cremà», alongside the popular «Banyà» or «soaking» as firefighters put out the blazes.
Alicante is a city which is perfectly connected with the rest of Spain and with other countries by land and air. There is an international airport that has connections with the main Spanish capitals and with most of the foreign ones too, within easy driving distance (15 km). In the very centre of the city there is a train station that provides communication with the rest of Europe by way of France. The highway connection is very near to our school and public transport in Alicante is regular and affordable: there are two bus stops and a streetcar stop within 5 minutes’ walk. The EASD.A also has a bicycle and car park.
Where to find us
You can find information about the City of Alicante at
Erasmus Office
Telf: +34 965 17 00 98
Fax: +34 965 17 00 61
Erasmus In: erasmus.in@easda.es
Erasmus Out: erasmus.out@easda.es